What is IPL?
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a technology that uses light to treat cosmetic skin conditions, including excess hair removal.
How does it work?
The light in IPL is absorbed by the pigment on your hair called melanin. IPL turns the melanin to heat which in turn destroys the hair cells. Usually you will see a reduction in the amount of hair that has been treated within just 3 to 4 treatments, with complete results after 12 treatments. This may vary from person to person. For some people extra sessions may be required for complete hair reduction
Is IPL right for you?
It is important to know that IPL hair removal is not suitable for darker skin tones due to the natural amount of melanin in the skin. Use of IPL with too much melanin can cause serious injury. Please refer to the following skin table to assess your skin’s suitability.
Skin Type | Description | Recommended Level
✔ | Ivory white skin that burns easily and never tans. Usually very light skin tone and light eyes | 5 |
✔ | White skin that burns easily and tans minimally with difficulty. | 5 |
✔ | White skin that burns moderately and tans moderately and uniformly. | 5 |
✔ | Beige-olive. lightly tanned skin that burns minimally and tans moderately and easily. | 4 - 5 |
✔ | Moderate brown or tanned skin that rarely burns and tans profusely. | 3 - 4 |
❌ | Dark brown or black skin that never burns or tans profusely. Usually very dark skin tone and dark eyes. | Not suitable |
SUITABLE FOR IPL? | Yes ✔ | Yes ✔ | Yes ✔ | Yes ✔ | No ❌ | No ❌ | No ❌ |
Lumist IPL Hair Removal & Skincare Device
Size chart